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how do astronauts eat and sleep in space?

Do you ever wonder how astronauts eat and sleep in space? Well let me tell you.

Astronauts use a 10cm toilet and they have packets of food somewhere and they also clip themselves to a bed!

Astronauts normally sleep with a sleeping bag and attach themselves to a bed seat or cupboard and they do that so they don’t float around in there space ship and probably press a button they shouldn’t touch!

astronauts normally eat three meals a day like us! breakfast lunch and dinner. with vitamins and minerals. so the astronauts stash their food packets in a box because they might stay in space for a long time!

astronauts use a 10cm toilet to pee and poo. and then there pee or poo just turns into nothing. it just evaporates.

going to the toilet in space would be very difficult. I mean imagine having to pee or poo in a 10cm toilet! that would be crazy! and that’s exactly why  wouldn’t go to space would you?



Hello guys today Im telling you about Sri lanka, Sri Lanka is a country located in the Indian ocean. And its kinda small too.

Sri lanka likes to eat pongal, pongal is a famous dish that they like to eat, And i want to try it!

Anyways if you haven’t heard about Sri lanka there are actually a lot of places that i want to visit and you probably want to after this too. So theirs Colombo, Sigiriya, kandy.

Ok guys that was all i wanted to tell you today . But i hope you like Sri lanka and want to visit it now!

By Athena.

my work/Kate Sheppard

hello guys its Athena again and i am here today to share my work that i

have do this week. the work i have done this week is about Kate Sheppard, Kate Sheppard is a lady who was born in 1847 and she hated

the way women were treated so one day she decided to write a contract for women to be able to vote, and every women  liked what she came

up with so with that nearly 32,0oo people signed that contract but she sadly passed away at the age 24. so people have her up in posters and

everything like that to rember what a lovely person she was.