how do astronauts eat and sleep in space?

Do you ever wonder how astronauts eat and sleep in space? Well let me tell you.

Astronauts use a 10cm toilet and they have packets of food somewhere and they also clip themselves to a bed!

Astronauts normally sleep with a sleeping bag and attach themselves to a bed seat or cupboard and they do that so they don’t float around in there space ship and probably press a button they shouldn’t touch!

astronauts normally eat three meals a day like us! breakfast lunch and dinner. with vitamins and minerals. so the astronauts stash their food packets in a box because they might stay in space for a long time!

astronauts use a 10cm toilet to pee and poo. and then there pee or poo just turns into nothing. it just evaporates.

going to the toilet in space would be very difficult. I mean imagine having to pee or poo in a 10cm toilet! that would be crazy! and that’s exactly why  wouldn’t go to space would you?


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