My Work/Jonah Lomu

HI GUYS its me Athena and this week i have been learning about a man who’s name is Jonah Lomu and he used to be a very famous rugby player back in the day. Jonah Lomu started playing rugby at the age of 19 but then Jonah sadly had a bad kidney that was called nephrotic syndrome, and because of that he had to stop playing rugby at the age of 32. and he sadly passed away in 18 November 2015, at the age of 40 thank you guys for reading this from what i did this week bye.



One thought on “My Work/Jonah Lomu

  1. Hi Athena,

    He was a great player and he did sadly pass away at the age of 40 due to complications of Kidney disease. Remember capital letters.

    Mr C

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